Online Program

Swami Swaroopananda's Birthday Celebration

Special morning and evening satsangs on June 7

We invite all new, returning, and longtime members of the Sivananda community to come together for a joyful week of celebration. In honor of the Sivananda lineage and the celebration of the birthday of the ashram’s director and acharya, Swami Swaroopananda, we filled the week with music, dance, and spiritual diversity.

We will also host a memorable evening of Q&A on yoga and spiritual life, offered by Swami Swaroopananda to all guests, friends, and residents of the ashram.

From June 6-11, special events for this spirited time include:

June 6: The Nature of the Mind: The Science and Spirituality of Consciousness. A panel discussion with Menas Kafatos, Subhash Kak, Prantik Kundu and Swami Brahmananda

June 7: Swami Swaroopananda’s Birthday

This is the actual day of Swami Swaroopananda’s Birthday with special satsangs in the morning and evening to celebrate.

6:00 – 8:30am ET: Special morning satsang and puja concluding with video messages, cake, and gifts

7:30 – 10:00pm ET: Special evening satsang including a play, asana demonstrations, an Indian classical music recital and flute performance, and Bharata Natyam dance by Suba Ramesh Parmar.

June 7-8: Southern Indian Classical Music and Dance Festival Swamimalai K. Suresh and Suba Ramesh Parmar. Join us for an elevating and stirring experience of Southern Indian classical music and dance, as renowned masters come together to share their musical gifts.

June 9: Preview for The Art of Sleep Learn how to address insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep based on an integrative body, mind and spirit approach to sleep and dreams with Rubin Naiman.

June 10: Questions and Answers on Yoga and Spiritual Life. Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

June 11: Preksha Meditation: Relaxation, Visualization, and Contemplation. This meditation technique has various components, including kayotsarg for total relaxation, color visualization, and contemplation for internal transformation.

Expand your horizons during this festive time of inspiration, connection, and spiritual renewal.

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