
blog-mung-dal-kitchari | sivanandabahamas.org

Mung Dal Kitchari Recipe

Enjoy this cleansing and nourishing Mung Dal Kitchari Ayurvedic recipe from Lalita Devi, Director of the ashram’s Well-Being Center.  Makes 6-8 servings

1 cup mung dal
¾ cup white basmati rice
4 tablespoon ghee
1 tablespoon fresh ginger (peeled and grated)
1 tablespoon each of fennel, cumin and coriander
1 small sweet potato (1/4 inch cubes)
2 teaspoons turmeric
½ – 1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon green chili paste
1 cup semi hard veggies (green beans, stems from greens)
2 cups tightly packed chopped greens (kale, chard, spinach)
1 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
6 – 8 cups water

Wash the mung dal until water is clear, drain well and set aside. Wash the rice until water is clear, drain well and set aside.

Turn stove top on to low-medium. Heat a large 4.5 quart pot. Add the ghee and oil. Heat until hot.

Sautee the ginger, then add spices and sautee. Add the sweet potato cubes, stirring to coat with spices and oils. Add a 1/2 cup of water, cover and braise for 5 minutes.

Add the rice and stir to coat. Add the mung dal and 5 cups of water. Add turmeric, salt and curry paste. Bring to boil, let simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Add semi-hard vegetables (green beans, stalks from chard, kale etc) Add 1 cup of water. Bring to boil then cook on low heat for about 10-15 minutes.

Add chopped greens. Bring back to boil and cook 5 minutes. Stir in cilantro. Turn off the heat and let sit.

Kitchari should be very moist, almost soupy (add more water if needed).

One thought on “Mung Dal Kitchari Recipe

  1. Marcelo Miceli

    Hi , I was looking at the recipe and I notice that there is ghee in it.
    My question is why still use dairy products when there is so much suffering in milk extraction.
    The calf is taking away from the mother and if is a male they kill it and if is female will be torture like her mother. Most dairy comes from farm factories and even if is grass fed, organic small farm , they do the same in order to make money.
    Where is Ahimsa then? and Asteya, ( stealing the milk of a baby that is being killed or tortured)
    And Saucha?
    That is from the Yogi point of view, from science there is so much proof that dairy cause so many problems and is linked to diabetes 1 and 2 .
    If you investigate the life of many Swamies, they are all diabetic, and there is an epidemic of diabetes in the Indian community, and vegetables don’t cause diabetes.
    I know that scriptures like the Gita recommend this dairy products, but do you believe Krishna will ingest that knowing what they do to extract it.
    How that can have a satwic effect in your mind?
    I believe that is time to stop sticking to rules that don’t make sense in this times and society.
    Om Shanti

    • Adiste

      It may be all the starches, on top of an almost exclusively carbohydrate based diet that is responsible for the diabetes epidemic among yogis, very unlikely to be the small amount of ghee or yogurt they consume.

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